



1983.9--1987.7:西北林学院水土保持系, 理学学士;

1987.9--1990.6:中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所, 理学硕士,导师王康富研究员;

1999.9--2003.3:中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所, 理学博士,导师程国栋院士。

1997.9--1998.2 :美国圣地亚戈州立大学(San Diego State University)土壤与生态恢复实验室访问学者;














2014年,“干旱内陆河流域生态恢复的水调控机理、关键技术及应用” 获国家科技进步二等奖,排名第五。







2013年: 国务院政府特殊津贴



2010年: 中国地理学会沙漠分会优秀青年科学家

2009年: 中科院王宽诚西部学者突出贡献奖

2009年: 中国科学院朱李月华优秀导师奖

2005年: 甘肃省 “555创新人才工程”入选者

2002年: 中国科学院院长优秀奖



1.赵文智, 周宏, 刘鹄. 干旱区包气带土壤水分运移及其对地下水补给研究进展. 地球科学进展. 2017;32(9):908-918.
2.Zhao W, Liu B, Chang X, et al. Evapotranspiration partitioning, stomatal conductance, and components of the water balance: A special case of a desert ecosystem in China. Journal of Hydrology. 2016;538:374-386.
3.Zhao W, Ji X. Spatio-temporal variation in transpiration responses of maize plants to vapor pressure deficit under an arid climatic condition. Journal of Arid Land. 2016;8(3):409-421.
4.Zhao W, Chang X. The effect of hydrologic process changes on NDVI in the desert-oasis ecotone of the Hexi Corridor. Science China Earth Sciences. 2014;57(12):3107-3117.
5.Zhao W, Liu B. The response of sap flow in shrubs to rainfall pulses in the desert region of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2010;150(9):1297-1306.
6.Zhao W, Ji X, Kang E, Zhang Z, Jin B. Evaluation of Penman-Monteith model applied to a maize field in the arid area of northwest China. Hydrology & Earth System Sciences. 2010;14(7):461-491.
7.Zhao W, Liu B, Zhang Z. Water requirements of maize in the middle Heihe River basin, China. Agricultural Water Management. 2010;97(2):215-223.
8.Zhao W, Niu Z, Chang X, Li S. Water consumption in artificial desert oasis based on net primary productivity. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences. 2010;53(9):1358-1364.
9.Zhao W, Chang X, Zhang Z. Transpiration of a Linze jujube orchard in an arid region of China. Hydrological Processes. 2009;23(10):1461-1470.
10.Zhuang Y, Zhao W. Dew formation and its variation in Haloxylon ammodendron plantations at the edge of a desert oasis, northwestern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2017;247:541-550.
11. Liu B, Guan H, Zhao W, Yang Y, Li S. Groundwater facilitated water-use efficiency along a gradient of groundwater depth in arid northwestern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2017;233:235-241.
12.Chang X, Zhao W, Liu B, Liu H, He Z, Du J. Can forest water yields be increased with increased precipitation in a Qinghai spruce forest in arid northwestern China? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2017;247:139-150.
13.Zhang Y, Zhao W, Fu L. Soil macropore characteristics following conversion of native desert soils to irrigated croplands in a desert-oasis ecotone, Northwest China. Soil and Tillage Research. 2017;168:176-186.
14.Zhou H, Zhao W, Zhang G. Varying water utilization of Haloxylon ammodendron plantations in a desert-oasis ecotone. Hydrological Processes. 2017;31(4):825-835.
15.Kang J, Zhao W, Zhao M. Remediation of blowouts by clonal plants in Maqu degraded alpine grasslands of northwest China. Journal of Plant Research. 2017;130(2):291-299.
16.Ji X, Chen J, Zhao W, Kang E, Jin B, Xu S. Comparison of hourly and daily Penman-Monteith grass- and alfalfa-reference evapotranspiration equations and crop coefficients for maize under arid climatic conditions. Agricultural Water Management. 2017;192:1-11.
17.Li F, Zhao W. Hydrologic thresholds and changes in ANPP of artificial sand-fixing vegetation in a desert-oasis ecotone in Northwest China. Journal of Arid Environments. 2017;146:44-52.
18.Zhang Y, Zhao W, He J, Zhang K. Energy exchange and evapotranspiration over irrigated seed maize agroecosystems in a desert-oasis region, northwest China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2016;223:48-59.
19.Ji X, Zhao W, Kang E, Jin B, Xu S. Transpiration from three dominant shrub species in a desert-oasis ecotone of arid regions of Northwestern China. Hydrological Processes. 2016;30(25):4841-4854.
20.Kang J, Zhao W, Zhu X. Silicon improves photosynthesis and strengthens enzyme activities in the C3 succulent xerophyte Zygophyllum xanthoxylum under drought stress. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2016;199:76-86.
21.Zhou H, Zhao W, Yang Q. Root biomass distribution of planted Haloxylon ammodendron in a duplex soil in an oasis:desert boundary area. Ecological Research. 2016;31:673-681.
22.Zhang G, Zhao L, Yang Q, Zhao W, Wang X. Effect of desert shrubs on fine-scale spatial patterns of understory vegetation in a dry-land. Plant Ecology. 2016;217(9):1141-1155.
23.Liu H, Zhao W, He Z, Liu J. Soil moisture dynamics across landscape types in an arid inland river basin of Northwest China. Hydrological Processes. 2015;29(15):3328-3341.
24.Zhao L, Zhao W. Canopy transpiration obtained from leaf transpiration, sap flow and FAO-56 dual crop coefficient method. Hydrological Processes. 2015;29(13):2983-2993.
25.Liu B, Zhao W, Liu Z, Yang Y, Luo W, Zhou H, Zhang Y. Changes in species diversity, aboveground biomass, and vegetation cover along an afforestation successional gradient in a semiarid desert steppe of China. Ecological Engineering. 2015;81:301-311.
26. Luo W, Zhao W. Burial depth and diameter of the rhizome fragments affect the regenerative capacity of a clonal shrub. Ecological Complexity. 2015;23:34-40.
27.Li F, Zhao W, Liu H. Productivity responses of desert vegetation to precipitation patterns across a rainfall gradient. Journal of Plant Research. 2015;128(2):283-294.
28.Zhang G, Yang Q, Wang X, Zhao W. Size-related change in Nitraria sphaerocarpa patches shifts the shrub-annual interaction in an arid desert, northwestern China. Acta Oecologica. 2015;69:121-128.
29.Wang G, Zhao W, Liu H, Zhang G, Li F. Changes in soil and vegetation with stabilization of dunes in a desert–oasis ecotone. Ecological Research. 2015;30(4):639-650.
30. Luo W, Zhao W. Effects of wind erosion and sand burial on growth and reproduction of a clonal shrub. Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants. 2015;217:164-169.
31.Chang X, Zhao W, He Z. Radial pattern of sap flow and response to microclimate and soil moisture in Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) in the upper Heihe River Basin of arid northwestern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2014;187:14-21.
32.Chang X, Zhao W, Liu H, Wei X, Liu B, He Z. Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) forest transpiration and canopy conductance in the upper Heihe River Basin of arid northwestern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2014;198-199:209-220.
33.Cheng G, Li X, Zhao W, Xu Z, Feng Q, Xiao C, Xiao H. Integrated study of the water–ecosystem–economy in the Heihe River Basin. National Science Review. 2014;1(3):413-428.
34.Zhuang Y, Zhao W. Dew variability in three habitats of a sand dune transect in a desert oasis ecotone, Northwestern China. Hydrological Processes. 2014;28(3):1399-1408.
35.Luo W, Zhao W, Zeng F, Liu B. Water but not photosynthates integration exists between mother and daughter ramets of a root-derived clonal shrub. Plant Ecology. 2014;216(2):331-342.
36.Yang Q, Zhao W, Liu B, Liu H. Physiological responses of Haloxylon ammodendron to rainfall pulses in temperate desert regions, Northwestern China. Trees. 2014;28(3):709-722.
37.Zhao L, Zhao W. Water balance and migration for maize in an oasis farmland of northwest China. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2014;59(34):4829-4837.


4)国家自然科学重点基金“荒漠绿洲包气带土壤水分运移及对地下水的补给作用(41630861,2017年-2021年),350万元” 。
6)国家自然科学基金面上项目“河西走廊人工固沙植被自组织过程及其生态水文机理” (41471435,2015年-2018年)103万 。
7)国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)“植物固沙的生态-水文过程、机理及调控”第3课题“水文过程对固沙植被演替的驱动及反馈作用”(2013CB429903,2013年-2017年),560万 。