


左小安,男,1978年12月生,甘肃张掖人,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事荒漠-草地生态学研究。现任生态与农业研究室副主任、乌拉特荒漠草原研究站站长、甘肃省寒区旱区逆境生理与生态重点实验室负责人。2008年,中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所获得生态学博士学位;2010-2013年,美国内布拉斯加-林肯大学生物系做访问学者;2013年12月晋升为研究员。先后入选中国科学院 “西部之光”人才培养计划、“青年创新促进会”和“特聘研究员”计划,获得国家优秀青年科学基金、中国科学院青年创新促进会“优秀会员”、甘肃青年科技奖、甘肃省领军人才和甘肃省科技进步一等奖等。发表学术论文164篇,SCI收录89篇,参加三部专著编写。









1) 2020年,甘肃省领军人才;
2) 2019年,兰州优秀科技工作者;
3) 2018年,甘肃青年五四奖章; 
4) 2018年,甘肃青年科技奖;
5) 2018年,中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院优秀共产党党员;
6) 2017年,中国科学院青年创新促进会“优秀会员”;
7) 2017年, “半干旱典型黄土区与沙地退化土地持续恢复技术” 获得甘肃省科技进步一等奖(6/15);
8) 2016年,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者;
9) 2008年,中国科学院 “朱李月华奖”; 
10) 2008年,中国科学院研究生院“优秀毕业生”; 
11) 2007年,中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所“先进工作者”。


1) Guo, X. X., X. A. Zuo*, P. Yue, X. Y. Li, Y. Hu, M. Chen, and Q. Yu. 2022. Direct and indirect effects of precipitation change and nutrients addition on desert steppe productivity in Inner Mongolia, northern China. Plant and Soil, 471(1-2): 527-540.
2) Yue, P., X. A. Zuo*, K. H. Li, X. Y. Li, S. K. Wang, and T. Misselbrook. 2022. Precipitation changes regulate the annual methane uptake in a temperate desert steppe. Science of the Total Environment 804:150172.
3) Yue, P., X. A. Zuo*, K. H. Li, X. Y. Li, S. K. Wang, and T. Misselbrook. 2022. No significant change noted in annual nitrous oxide flux under precipitation changes in a temperate desert steppe. Land Degradation & Development 33:94-103.
4) Hu, Y., X. Li, A. Guo, P. Yue, X. Guo, P. Lv, S. Zhao, and X. Zuo*. 2022. Species diversity is a strong predictor of ecosystem multifunctionality under altered precipitation in desert steppes. Ecological Indicators 137:108762.
5) Guo, A., X. Zuo*, S. Zhang, Y. Hu, P. Yue, P. Lv, X. Li, S. Zhao, and Q. Yu. 2022. Contrasting effects of plant inter- and intraspecific variation on community trait responses to nitrogen addition and drought in typical and meadow steppes. BMC Plant Biology 22:90.
6) Wang, C., L. Ma, X. Zuo, X. Ye, R. Wang, Z. Huang, G. Liu, and J. H. C. Cornelissen. 2022. Plant diversity has stronger linkage with soil fungal diversity than with bacterial diversity across grasslands of northern China. Global Ecology and Biogeography, DOI: 10.1111/geb.13462.
7) Zuo, X. A., S. L. Zhao, H. Cheng, Y. Hu, S. K. Wang, P. Yue, R. T. Liu, A. K. Knapp, M. D. Smith, Q. Yu*, and S. E. Koerner. 2021. Functional diversity response to geographic and experimental precipitation gradients varies with plant community type. Functional Ecology 35:2119-2132.
8) Zuo, X. A.*, W. Mao, H. Qu, M. Chen, S. L. Zhao, L. X. Liu, S. K. Wang, P. Yue, X. J. Ma, X. Y. Zhao, E. Medina-Roldan, and G. R. H. Allington. 2021. Scale effects on spatial heterogeneity of herbaceous vegetation in desert steppe depend on plant community type. Ecological Indicators 127:107769.
9) Zhao, S. L., T. H. Zhang, P. Yue, P. Lv, Y. Hu, E. Medina-Roldan, and X. A. Zuo*. 2021. Increased grazing intensities induce differentiation of the relationships between functional traits and aboveground plant biomass in shrub- and grass-dominated community in desert steppe. Ecological Research 36:590-602.
10) Yue, P., X. Q. Cui, X. A. Zuo*, K. H. Li, S. K. Wang, Y. Y. Jia, T. Misselbrook, and X. J. Liu. 2021. The contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to ecosystem respiration and methane flux in an ephemeral plants-dominated desert. Land Degradation & Development 32:1844-1853.
11) Yue, P., X. Zuo*, K. Li, X. Li, S. Wang, X. Ma, H. Qu, M. Chen, L. Liu, T. Misselbrook, and Q. Yu. 2021c. Responses of ecosystem respiration, methane uptake and nitrous oxide emission to drought in a temperate desert steppe. Plant and Soil, 469(1-2): 409-421.
12) Wang, S. K.*, X. A. Zuo*, T. Awada, E. Medima-Roldan, K. T. Feng, P. Yue, J. Lian, S. L. Zhao, and H. Cheng. 2021. Changes of soil bacterial and fungal community structure along a natural aridity gradient in desert grassland ecosystems, Inner Mongolia. Catena 205:105470.
13) Muraina, T. O., C. Xu, Q. Yu*, Y. D. Yang, M. H. Jing, X. T. Jia, M. S. Jaman, Q. Dam, A. K. Knapp, S. L. Collins, Y. Q. Luo, W. T. Luo, X. A. Zuo, X. P. Xin, X. G. Han, and M. D. Smith. 2021. Species asynchrony stabilises productivity under extreme drought across Northern China grasslands. Journal of Ecology 109:1665-1675
14) Lv, P., S. S. Sun, E. Medina-Roldan, S. L. Zhao, Y. Hu, A. X. Guo, and X. A. Zuo*. 2021. Soil net nitrogen transformation rates are co-determined by multiple factors during the landscape evolution in Horqin Sandy Land. Catena 206.
15) Lv, P., S. S. Sun, E. Medina-Roldand, S. L. Zhao, Y. Hu, A. X. Guo, and X. A. Zuo*. 2021. Effects of habitat types on the dynamic changes in allocation in carbon and nitrogen storage of vegetation-soil system in sandy grasslands: How habitat types affect C and N allocation? Ecology and Evolution 11:9079-9091.
16) Li, X. Y., X. A. Zuo*, P. Yue, X. Y. Zhao, Y. Hu, X. X. Guo, A. X. Guo, C. Xu, and Q. Yu. 2021. Drought of early time in growing season decreases community aboveground biomass, but increases belowground biomass in a desert steppe. BMC Ecology and Evolution 21:106.
17) Zuo, X. A.*, H. Cheng, S. L. Zhao, P. Yue, X. P. Liu, S. K. Wang, L. X. Liu, C. Xu, W. T. Luo, J. M. H. Knops, and E. Medina-Roldan. 2020. Observational and experimental evidence for the effect of altered precipitation on desert and steppe communities. Global Ecology and Conservation 21:e00864.
18) Zhang, J., X. A. Zuo*, X. Y. Zhao, J. X. Ma, and E. Medina-Roldan. 2020. Effects of rainfall manipulation and nitrogen addition on plant biomass allocation in a semiarid sandy grassland. Scientific Reports 10:9026 .
19) Yue, X. Y., X. A. Zuo*, X. Y. Zhao, P. Lv, J. B. Xia*, and F. Z. Qu. 2020. How Plant Functional Traits of Dominant Species Respond to Fencing and Water-Nitrogen Addition in Horqin Grassland, China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 29:3441-3449.
20)Lv, P., X. A. Zuo*, S. S. Sun, J. Zhang, S. L. Zhao, and Y. Hu. 2020. Seasonal changes of soil nitrogen mineralization along restoration gradient of sandy grassland, northern China. Polish Journal of Ecology 68:283-295.
21) Hu, Y., X. A. Zuo*, P. Yue, S. L. Zhao, X. X. Guo, X. Y. Li, and E. Medina-Roldan. 2020. Increased Precipitation Shapes Relationship between Biochemical and Functional Traits of Stipa glareosa in Grass-Dominated Rather than Shrub-Dominated Community in a Desert Steppe. Plants-Basel 9:1463.
22) Zhang, J., X. A. Zuo*, P. Lv, S. L. Zhao, and X. Y. Zhao. 2019. Plant functional trait response to habitat change and grazing in a semiarid grassland: unravelling species turnover and intraspecific variation effects. Polish Journal of Ecology 67:62-74.
23) Yue, X. Y., X. A. Zuo*, Q. Yu, C. Xu, P. Lv, J. Zhang, A. K. Knapp, and M. D. Smith. 2019. Response of plant functional traits of Leymus chinensis to extreme drought in Inner Mongolia grasslands. Plant Ecology 220:141-149.
24) Luo, W. T., X. A. Zuo*, R. J. Griffin-Nolan, C. Xu, W. Ma, L. Song, K. Helsen, Y. C. Lin, J. P. Cai, Q. Yu, Z. W. Wang*, M. D. Smith, X. G. Han, and A. K. Knapp. 2019. Long term experimental drought alters community plant trait variation, not trait means, across three semiarid grasslands. Plant and Soil 442:343-353.
25) Du, H. Q.*, X. A. Zuo*, S. Li, T. Wang, and X. Xue. 2019. Wind erosion changes induced by different grazing intensities in the desert steppe, Northern China. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 274:1-13.
26) Cheng, Q. P., X. A. Zuo*, F. L. Zhong*, L. Gao, and S. C. Xiao. 2019b. Runoff variation characteristics, association with large-scale circulation and dominant causes in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. Science of the Total Environment 688:361-379.
27) Zuo, X. A.*, J. Zhang, P. Lv, S. K. Wang, Y. Yang, X. Y. Yue, X. Zhou, Y. L. Li, M. Chen, J. Lian, H. Qu, L. X. Liu, and X. J. Ma. 2018. Effects of plant functional diversity induced by grazing and soil properties on above- and belowground biomass in a semiarid grassland. Ecological Indicators 93:555-561.
28) Zuo, X. A., and J. M. H. Knops*. 2018. Effects of elevated CO2, increased nitrogen deposition, and plant diversity on aboveground litter and root decomposition. Ecosphere 9:e02111.
29) Wang, S. K., X. A. Zuo*, X. Y. Zhao, T. Awada, Y. Q. Luo, Y. Q. Li, and H. Qu. 2018. Dominant plant species shape soil bacterial community in semiarid sandy land of northern China. Ecology and Evolution 8:1693-1704.
30) Luo, W. T., X. A. Zuo, W. Ma, C. Xu, A. Li, Q. Yu, A. K. Knapp, R. Tognetti, F. A. Dijkstra, M. H. Li, G. D. Han, Z. W. Wang*, and X. G. Han. 2018. Differential responses of canopy nutrients to experimental drought along a natural aridity gradient. Ecology 99:2230-2239.
31) Chen, M.*, and X. A. Zuo*. 2018. Pollen limitation and resource limitation affect the reproductive success of Medicago sativa L. BMC Ecology 18.
32) Zuo, X. A.*, X. Y. Yue, P. Lv, Q. Yu, M. Chen, J. Zhang, Y. Q. Luo, S. K. Wang, and J. Zhang. 2017. Contrasting effects of plant inter- and intraspecific variation on community trait responses to restoration of a sandy grassland ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution 7:1125-1134.
33) Zhang, J., X. A. Zuo*, X. Zhou, P. Lv, J. Lian, and X. Y. Yue. 2017. Long-term grazing effects on vegetation characteristics and soil properties in a semiarid grassland, northern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189:216.
34) Zuo, X. A.*, S. K. Wang, P. Lv, X. Zhou, X. Y. Zhao, T. H. Zhang, and J. Zhang. 2016. Plant functional diversity enhances associations of soil fungal diversity with vegetation and soil in the restoration of semiarid sandy grassland. Ecology and Evolution 6:318-328.
35) Zuo, X. A.*, J. Zhang, P. Lv, X. Zhou, Y. L. Li, Y. Y. Luo, Y. Q. Luo, J. Lian, and X. Y. Yue. 2016. Plant functional diversity mediates the effects of vegetation and soil properties on community-level plant nitrogen use in the restoration of semiarid sandy grassland. Ecological Indicators 64:272-280.
36) Zuo, X. A.*, X. Zhou, P. Lv, X. Y. Zhao, J. Zhang, S. K. Wang, and X. Y. Yue. 2016. Testing Associations of Plant Functional Diversity with Carbon and Nitrogen Storage along a Restoration Gradient of Sandy Grassland. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:e17476.
37) Zuo, X. A.*, J. Zhang, X. Zhou, X. Y. Zhao, S. K. Wang, J. Lian, P. Lv, and J. Knops. 2015. Changes in carbon and nitrogen storage along a restoration gradient in a semiarid sandy grassland. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 69:1-8.
38) Zuo, X. A.*, S. K. Wang, X. Y. Zhao, and J. Lian. 2014. Scale dependence of plant species richness and vegetation-environment relationship along a gradient of dune stabilization in Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China. Journal of Arid Land 6:334-342.
39) Zuo, X. A.*, X. Y. Zhao, H. Zhao, T. H. Zhang, S. K. Wang, J. Knops, and A. Kochsiek. 2013. Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Seed Banks in Sandy Grasslands under Fencing and Grazing in Horqin Sandland, Northern China. Polish Journal of Ecology 61:221-231.
40) Zuo, X. A.*, J. M. H. Knops, X. Y. Zhao, H. L. Zhao, T. H. Zhang, Y. Q. Li, and Y. R. Guo. 2012a. Indirect drivers of plant diversity-productivity relationship in semiarid sandy grasslands. Biogeosciences 9:1277-1289.
41) Zuo, X. A.*, S. K. Wang, X. Y. Zhao, W. J. Li, J. Knops, and A. Kochsiek. 2012b. Effect of spatial scale and topography on spatial heterogeneity of soil seed banks under grazing disturbance in a sandy grassland of Horqin Sand Land, Northern China. Journal of Arid Land 4:151-160.
42) Zuo, X. A.*, X. Y. Zhao, S. K. Wang, Y. Q. Li, J. Lian, and X. Zhou. 2012c. Influence of dune stabilization on relationship between plant diversity and productivity in Horqin Sand Land, Northern China. Environmental Earth Sciences 67:1547-1556.
43) Zuo, X. A.*, X. Y. Zhao, H. L. Zhao, T. H. Zhang, Y. L. Li, S. K. Wang, W. J. Li, and R. Powers. 2012d. Scale dependent effects of environmental factors on vegetation pattern and composition in Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China. Geoderma 173:1-9.
44) Zuo, X. A.*, X. Y. Zhao, H. L. Zhao, Y. R. Guo, T. H. Zhang, and J. Y. Cui. 2010. Spatial pattern and heterogeneity of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in sand dunes related to vegetation change and geomorphic position in Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 164:29-42.
45) Zuo, X. A.*, H. L. Zhao, X. Y. Zhao, Y. R. Guo, J. Y. Yun, S. K. Wang, and T. Miyasaka. 2009a. Vegetation pattern variation, soil degradation and their relationship along a grassland desertification gradient in Horqin Sandy Land, northern China. Environmental Geology 58:1227-1237.
46) Zuo, X. A.*, X. Y. Zhao, H. L. Zhao, T. H. Zhang, Y. R. Guo, Y. Q. Li, and Y. X. Huang. 2009b. Spatial heterogeneity of soil properties and vegetation-soil relationships following vegetation restoration of mobile dunes in Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China. Plant and Soil 318:153-167.
47) Zuo, X. A.*, H. L. Zhao, X. Y. Zhao, Y. R. Guo, Y. L. Li, and Y. Y. Luo. 2008a. Plant distribution at the mobile dune scale and its relevance to soil properties and topographic features. Environmental Geology 54:1111-1120.
48) Zuo, X. A.*, H. L. Zhao, X. Y. Zhao, T. H. Zhang, Y. R. Guo, S. K. Wang, and S. Drake. 2008b. Spatial pattern and heterogeneity of soil properties in sand dunes under grazing and restoration in Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China. Soil & Tillage Research 99:202-212.


1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,内蒙古荒漠草原降水变化对植被-土壤互馈关系的影响机制,2021-2024; 
2) 第二次青藏高原科考项目子专题,青藏高原荒漠生态系统群落结构与变化,2019-2022;
3) 国家重点研发计划课题,荒漠区退化草地修复及生态畜牧业技术研发与示范,2016-2020; 
4) 国家优秀青年科学基金项目,半干旱沙地植被与土壤的关系,2017-2019; 
5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,半干旱沙地退化植被恢复对土壤氮转化的影响机制,2016-2019; 
6) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,半干旱沙地植被恢复演替对土壤碳氮固存潜力的影响及模拟,2012-2015;
7) 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目,科尔沁沙质草地植被与土壤恢复的尺度依赖关系,2011-2013;
8) 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划项目,科尔沁沙地植被与土壤恢复的异质性及其耦合关系,2009-2012;
9) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,半干旱沙地植被恢复与土壤演变的数量关系研究,2007-2009。