1. Zhang Weimin et al,The flow field and its dynamics processes of pyramidal dune,Journal of Arid Environment, 2000,45(20):357-368
2. Zhang Weimin et al,The gobi sand stream and its control over the top surface of the Mogao Grottoes, China,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2004, 63: 261-269
3.Wang Tao Zhang Weimin et al, The dynamic characteristics and migration of a pyramid dune, Sedimentology, 2005,52(2):429-440, 本人为通讯作者
4.Zhang Weimin et al,Developmental characteristics of aeolian dunes and environmental changes in the adjoining region of Puruogangri ice sheet, North Tibetan Plateau, Environmental Geology, 2005,48: 15-24
5. Zhang Weimin et al,Aeolian processes over gravel beds: Field wind tunnel simulation and its application atop the Mogao Grottoes, China, Aeolian Research,2014
6. Zhang Weimin et al,Environmental dynamics of a star dune, Geomorphology,2016, 273:28-38
7. Zhang Weimin et al, Wind tunnel experiments on vertical distribution of wind-blown sand flux and change of the quantity of sand erosion and deposition above gravel beds under different sand supplies,Environmental Earth Sciences,2011,64:1031-1038
8. Lihai Tan, Weimin Zhang et al. Aeolian sediment transport over gobi: Field studies atop the Mogao Grottoes, China. Aeolian Research, 2016, 21:53-60. 本人为通讯作者
9. Lihai Tan, Weimin Zhang et al. Variation with height of aeolian mass flux density and grain size distribution over natural surface covered with coarse grains: A mobile wind tunnel study. Aeolian Research, 2014, 15:345-352. 本人为通讯作者
10. Lihai Tan, Weimin Zhang et al. Aeolian sand transport over gobi with different gravel coverages under limited sand supply: A mobile wind tunnel investigation. Aeolian Research, 2013, 11, 67-74.本人为通讯作者
11. Lihai Tan, Weimin Zhang et al. Simulation of wind velocity reduction effect of gravel beds in a mobile wind tunnel atop the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, China. Engineering Geology, 2013, 159, 67-75.
12. 张伟民等,不同沙源供给条件下砾石床面的风沙流结构与蚀积量变 化风洞实验研究,中国沙漠, 06期, 2009,29(6):1015-1021
13. 张伟民等,敦煌莫高窟顶几种典型床面蚀积量变化过程的初步观测,中国沙漠, 06期, 2008,28(6): 1039-1045
14. 张伟民等,普若岗日冰原毗邻地区风沙地貌及其环境演变, 冰川冻土, 2002, 24 (6): 723-730
15. 张伟民等,巴丹吉林沙漠高大沙山形成演化初步探讨,中国沙漠, 2005,25(2): 281-286
16. 张伟民等,不同砾石覆盖度床面蚀积过程的野外风洞实验,地理科学,2012,11:1370-1376