简历:赵洋,男,生态学博士,研究员,博士研究生导师。长期从事干旱区生态学研究,在荒漠生态系统/沙化土地恢复理论与应用方面开展了系统研究。先后主持国家自然基金、中国科学院西部之光重点项目、中国科学院A类先导专项子课题、中科院重点前沿项目课题等项目10余项。在国内外高质量期刊发表学术论文70余篇,以第1作者和通讯作者发表论文30余篇,出版专著1部,授权国家发明专利4件。获得宁夏科技进步一等奖、入选科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队“沙区生态恢复与重建创新团队”(核心成员)、入选中国科学院“西部学者”人才计划、入选宁夏回族自治区青年拔尖人才、入选宁夏回族自治区高层次人才(E类)、入选甘肃省高层次人才(C类)、获聘甘肃省生态领域省级专家、获中卫市“优秀科技工作者”荣誉称号。 研究领域:
职务:获奖及荣誉:获得宁夏科技进步一等奖、入选科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队“沙区生态恢复与重建创新团队”(核心成员)、入选中国科学院“西部学者”人才计划、入选宁夏回族自治区青年拔尖人才、入选宁夏回族自治区高层次人才(E类)、入选甘肃省高层次人才(C类)、获聘甘肃省生态领域省级专家、获中卫市“优秀科技工作者”荣誉称号。 代表论著:1. Yang Zhao⁎, Wenwen Xu, Nan Wang. Effects of covering sand with different soil substrates on the formation and development of artificial biocrusts in a natural desert environment. Soil and Tillage Research, 2021, 213:105081. (SCI) 2. Yang Zhao*, Peng Zhang. Rainfall characteristics determine respiration rate of biological soil crusts in drylands. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 124: 107452. (SCI) 3. Yang Zhao*, Nan Wang, Zhi Shan Zhang, Yan Xia Pan, Rong Liang Jia. Accelerating the development of artificial biocrusts using covers for restoration of degraded land in dryland ecosystems. Land Degradation and Development, 2021, 32:285–295. (SCI) 4. Yang Zhao*, Rongliang Jia, Jin Wang. Towards stopping land degradation in drylands: Water-saving techniques for cultivating biocrusts in situ. Land Degradation and Development, 2019, 30:2336-2346. (SCI) 5. Yang Zhao*, Jin Wang. Mechanical sand fixing is more beneficial than chemical sand fixing for artificial cyanobacteria crust colonization and development in a sand desert. Applied Soil Ecology, 2019, 140: 115-120. (SCI) 6. Yang Zhao, Zhishan Zhang*, Huijuan Tan, Yigang Hu. Rain shadow effects of individual shrub related to crown shape in arid desert. Ecohydrology, 2019, 12: e2076. (SCI) 7. Yang Zhao*, Zhishan Zhang, Yigang Hu, Yongle Chen. The seasonal and successional variations of carbon release from biological soil crust-covered soil. Journal of Arid Environments, 2016, 127: 148-153. (SCI) 8. Yang Zhao*, Peng Zhang, Yigang Hu, Lei Huang. Effects of re-vegetation on herbaceous species composition and biological soil crusts development in a coal mine dumping site. Environmental Management, 2016, 57:298–307. (SCI) 9. Yang Zhao*, Xin-rong Li, Peng Zhang, Yi-gang Hu, Lei Huang. Effects of vegetation reclamation on temperature and humidity properties of a dumpsite: a case study in the open pit coal mine of Heidaigou. Arid Land Research and Management, 2015, 29: 375-381. (SCI) 10. Yang Zhao*, Xin-rong Li, Zhi-shan Zhang, Yi-gang Hu, and Yong-le Chen. Biological soil crusts influence carbon release responses following rainfall in a temperate desert, northern China. Ecological Research, 2014, 29: 889-896. (SCI) 11. Yang Zhao*, Xin-rong Li, Zhi-shan Zhang, Yi-gang Hu, and Pan Wu. Soil-Plant Relationships in the Hetao Irrigation Region Drainage Ditch Banks, Northern China. Arid Land Research and Management, 2014, 28: 74-86. (SCI) 12. Yang Zhao, Xin-rong Li, Zhi-shan Zhang*, Yi-gang Hu, and Pan Wu. Species Composition and Species Richness in the Hetao Irrigation Region Drainage Ditches, Northern China. Arid Land Research and Management, 2013, 27: 167-177. (SCI) 13. Zhi-Shan Zhang, Bing-Xin Xu, Yang Zhao⁎, Ya-Fei Shi, Jian-Qiang Huo, Nan Wang. Long-term water balance variation after revegetation on the southeastern edge of the Tenngger Desert. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 131: 108216. (SCI) 14. Jianqiang Huo, Yafei Shi, Hongxia Zhang, Rui Hu, Lei Huang, Yang Zhao*, Zhishan Zhang*. More sensitive to drought of young tissues with weak water potential adjustment capacity in two desert shrubs. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 790: 148103. (SCI) 15. Ya‑Fei Shi, Zeng‑Ru Wang, Bing‑Xin Xu, Jian‑Qiang Huo, Rui Hu, Yang Zhao*, Zhi‑Shan Zhang*. Rainfall amount determines annual herb controls over soil seed bank and its similarity with vegetation in the Tengger Desert. Ecological Processes, 2022, 11:5. (SCI) 16. Zhi-Shan Zhang, Yang Zhao*, Xin-Rong Li, Lei Huang, Hui-Juan Tan. Gross rainfall amount and maximum rainfall intensity in 60 minutes influence on interception loss of shrubs in the Tengger Desert. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 26-30. (SCI) 17. Zhi-Shan Zhang, Yang Zhao*, Xue-Jun Dong, Ya-Fei Shi, Yong-Le Chen, Yi-Gang Hu. Evolution of soil respiration depends on biological soil crusts across a 50-year chronosequence of desert revegetation. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2016, 62: 140-149. (SCI) 承担科研项目情况:1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32171630):沙区光合自养与异养微生物关系网络对生物土壤结皮演替的作用机理,2022-2025. 2. 中国科学院“西部之光”重点项目,隐花植物—异养微生物网络形成机理及其在沙区生态恢复中的应用,2022-2025. 3. 中科院A类先导专项子课题:绿色环保沙化治理技术与示范(XDA23060202), 2019-2023. 4. 宁夏回族自治区青年拔尖人才项目,生物土壤结皮人工培养及其固沙应用, 2017-2023. 5. 中科院前沿科学重点研究项目课题(QYZDJ-SSW-SMC011-02):利用微生物技术进行沙害治理与生态恢复,2016-2020. 6. 国家自然基金青年基金(41501270):干旱沙区固沙灌木对生物土壤结皮发育的影响,2016-2018. 7. 中科院寒旱所青年人才成长基金(51Y451161):固沙灌木建立初期对干旱沙区微地形地貌的塑造,2014-2017. |