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简历:2001.09-2005.06,烟台师范学院,生物技术,学士; 研究领域:生态学(气候变化与生态响应) 职称:
获奖及荣誉:代表论著:[1] Chengchen Pan, Qi Feng, Jiliang Liu, Yulin Li, Yuqiang Li, Xiaoya Yu. Community structure of grassland ground-dwelling arthropods along increasing soil salinities. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2018) 25:7479–7486.[2] ChengChen Pan, Hao Qu, Qi Feng, Lin-De Liu, Ha-Lin Zhao, Yu-Lin Li, Yu-Qiang Li, Tong-Hui Zhang. Increased pollinator service and reduced pollen limitation in the fixed dune populations of a desert shrub. Scientific Reports, 2017, 16903. [3] ChengChen Pan, Qi Feng, HaLin Zhao, YuLin Li, et al. Earlier flowering did not alter pollen limitation in an early flowering shrub under short-term experimental warming. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 2795.[4] ChengChen Pan, Halin Zhao, Qi Feng, Jiliang Liu, et al. Temporal variations of ground-dwelling arthropods in relation to grassland salinization. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2015, 68: 25-32.[5] ChengChen Pan, Qi Feng, HaLin Zhao, XueYong Zhao, et al. Seasonal change mediates the shift between resource and pollen limitation in Hedysarum scoparium (Fabaceae). Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2015, 7(1): 94–98. 承担科研项目情况:(1)国家自然科学面上基金:半干旱区沙地灌丛凋落物分解过程对季节性增温和极端干旱的响应及其生物机制研究(41773086),2018-2021;(2)国家自然科学青年基金:气温和降水变化对科尔沁沙地小叶锦鸡儿生殖物候的调控机制(31400392),2015-2017;(3)中科院寒旱所青年人才成长基金:科尔沁沙地小叶锦鸡儿生殖物候对降雨增减变化的响应(Y451111001),2014-2016. |