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2001.09-2005.06, 新疆大学,学士,地理科学;
2005.09-2008.06, 新疆大学,硕士,自然地理学; 2008.09-2011.06, 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所, 博士, 流域水文模型; 2011.07-2016.12,中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,助理研究员; 2017.01至今, 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,副研究员。 研究领域:
1、Zhao Qiudong, Liu Zhihui , Ye Baisheng , Qin Yan , et al. (2009). A snowmelt runoff forecasting model coupling WRF and DHSVM. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13(10), 233-246.
2、Zhao Qiudong, Ye Baisheng, Ding Yongjian , Zhang Shiqiang, , et al. (2013). Coupling a glacier melt model to the variable infiltration capacity (VIC) model for hydrological modeling in north-western china. Environmental Geology, 68(1), 87-101. 3、Zhao Qiudong, Zhang Shiqiang, Ding Yongjian, et al. (2015). Modeling Hydrologic Response to Climate Change and Shrinking Glaciers in the Highly Glacierized Kunma Like River Catchment, Central Tian Shan. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 16(6): 2383-2402. 4、Zhao Qiudong , Ding Yongjian , Wang Jian, et al. (2019). Projecting climate change impacts on hydrological processes on the tibetan plateau with model calibration against the glacier inventory data and observed streamflow. Journal of Hydrology, 573, 60-81. 5、Zhao Qiudong, Ye Baisheng, Ding Yongjian, et al. (2011). Simulation and analysis of river runoff in typical cold regions. Sciences in Cold & Arid Regions, 3(06), 498-508. 6、Zhao Qiudong, Liu Zhihui, Shi Qingdong, et al. (2007). EOS/MODIS data-based estimation of the daily snowmelt in Juntanghu Watershed northern slope of Tianshan Mountain. Proc. SPIE 6679, Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability IV, 66791C (9 October 2007) 7、Zhang Zhihua, Deng Shifan, Zhao Qiudong*, Zhang Shiqiang, Zhang Xiaowen, 2019. Projected glacier meltwater and river runoff changes in the upper reach of the Shule River Basin, northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, Hydrological Processes, 33(7): 1059-1074. 承担科研项目情况:
2、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类) “三极冰库变化及北极圈大河径流”课题的子课题“北极大河径流过程分析与其数据产品研制”(XDA19070302-5),2018-2022年 3、国家自然科学基金面上项目“天山北坡不同冰川覆盖率流域径流组成及变化研究”(41871059),2019-2022年 4、中科院/青海人民政府 三江源国家公园联合研究专项课题“三江源区水循环全过程监测与水资源管理数据库”(LHZX-2020-10-1),2020-2022年 5、国家重点研发计划“重大自然灾害监测预警与防范”重点专项项目 “干旱区融雪洪水灾害监测预报和防控关键技术研究与示范”第二课题“温升背景下雨雪冰混合洪水形成过程模拟技术研发”专题“流域尺度的融雪产汇流过程与未来预估” (2019YFC1510503-3),2020 -2023年 |