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1)2006.09-2010.06 兰州大学资源环境学院 学士 水文与水资源工程 2)2010.09-2013.06 兰州大学资源环境学院 硕士 水文学及水资源 3)2013.09-2016.06 中科院大学寒区旱区环境与工程研究所 博士 自然地理学 工作经历: 1)2016.07-2018.06 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院 博士后 2)2018.07-2024.02 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院 助理研究员一级 3)2024.03至今 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院 副研究员 研究领域:
"[1].Yuwei Wu, Wei Zhang*, Shiqiang Zhang*, Zhonglei Mao, Anan Chen, Zhen Li, Quan Zhang, Zhongming Guo, Xi Jiang, and Yongqing Long. Emerging Signal of Englacial Debris on One Clean Surface Glacier Based on High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15(15): 3899.
[2].Chong Chen*, Hui Zhang, Wenxuan Shi, Wei Zhang*, Yaru Xue. A novel paradigm for integrating physics-based numerical and machine learning models: A case study of eco-hydrological model. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2023, 163: 105669. [3].Xuejiao Wu, Rao Zhu, Yinping Long, Wei Zhang*. Spatial trend and impact of snowmelt rate in spring across China’s three main stable snow cover regions over the past 40 years based on passive microwave remote sensing. Remote sensing, 2022, 14, 4176. [4].Wei Zhang*, Jianqiao He, Anan Chen, Xuejiao Wu, Yongping Shen. Observation on drifting snow by FlowCapt in the southern Altai Mountains, Central Asia. Water, 2022, 14: 845. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14060845. [5].Jinglin Zhang, Wei Zhang, Shiwei Liu, Weiming Kong, Wei Zhang*. Cryosphere services to advance the national SDG priorities in Himalaya-Karakoram region. Sustainability, 2022, 14, 2532. [6].Wei Zhang*, Yongping Shen, An’an Chen, Xuejiao Wu. Opportunities and challenges arising from rapid cryospheric changes in the southern Altai Mountains, China. Applied sciences, 2022, 12, 1406. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12031406. [7].Jinglin Zhang, Wei Zhang*, Shiwei Liu, Weiming Kong. Cryosphere Services to Support SDGs in High Mountains. Sustainability, 2022, 14: 791. [8].Wei Zhang*, Xiaoming Wang, Yongping Shen, Xuewen Yang, An’an Chen, Xuejiao Wu, Shiwei Liu, Yang Yang, Jinglin Zhang, Chenyu Li. Cryospheric water regime by its functions and services in China. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2021, 12(3): 430-443. [9].Xuejiao Wu*, Wei Zhang, Hongyi Li, Yinping Long, Xiaoduo Pan, Yongping Shen*. Analysis of seasonal snowmelt contribution using a distributed energy balance model for a river basin in the Altai Mountains of northwestern China. Hydrological Processes, 2021, 35: e14046. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14046. [10].Xinyue Zhong, Shichang Kang*, Wei Zhang, Junhua Yang, Hewen Niu, Yajun Liu, Junming Guo, Xiaofei Li, Pengfei Chen, Xiaoxiang Wang. Continuously observed light absorbing impurities in snow cover over the southern Altai Mts. in China: Concentrations, impacts and potential sources. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 270: 116234. [11].Wei Zhang*, Yongping Shen, Xiaoming Wang, Shichang Kang, Anan Chen, Weiyi Mao, Xinyue Zhong. Snow cover controls seasonally frozen ground regime on the southern edge of Altai Mountains. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 2021, 297: 108271. [12].Zhong, X., Kang, S.*, Zhang, W., Yang, J., Li, X., Zhang, Y., Chen, P. Light-absorbing impurities in snow cover across Northern Xinjiang, China. Journal of Glaciology, 2019, 65(254), 940-956. [13].Wei Zhang*, Shichang Kang, Yongping Shen, Jianqiao He, Anan Chen. Response of snow hydrological processes to a changing climate during 1961 to 2016 in the headwater of Irtysh River Basin, Chinese Altai Mountains. Journal of mountain science, 2017, 14(11): 2295-2310. [14].Wei Zhang*, Yongping Shen, Ninglian Wang, Jianqiao He, Anan Chen, Jian Zhou. Observations on physical properties and ablation processes of snow cover during the spring snow melt period in the headwater region of Irtysh River, Altai Mountains. Environmental earth sciences, 2016, 75(199): 1-13. [15].Xuejiao Wu*, Yongping Shen, Ninglian Wang, Xiaoduo Pan, Wei Zhang, Jianqiao He, Guoya Wang. Coupling the WRF model with a temperature index model based on remote sensing for snowmelt simulations in a river basin in the Altay Mountains, north-west China. Hydrological processes, 2016, 30: 3967-3977." 承担科研项目情况:
[2].科技部国家重点研发计划“重大自然灾害监测预警与防范”重点专项“干旱区融雪洪水灾害监测预报和防控关键技术研究与示范”子课题,2019YFC151050101,干旱区融雪洪水灾害时空分布特征及数据库构建,2020.01-2023.12,50.00万元,主持 [3].国家自然科学基金面上项目,41970183,新疆阿尔泰山两河源区冰冻圈资源价值核算及服务功能研究,2020.01-2023.12,62.00万元,主持 [4].中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院人才基金项目,阿尔泰山额河源区积雪升华的定量评估,2019.09-2021.08,10.00万元,主持 [5].冰冻圈科学国家重点实验室开放课题,SKLCS-OP-2017-10,不同气候环境下固态降水观测校正对比试验研究,2017.01-2018.12,8.00万元,主持 |