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教育经历 2007.09–2011.06:宁夏大学, 资源环境学院,学士2011.09–2017.12:兰州大学, 西部环境与气候变化研究院, 硕博连读2015.09–2017.09:伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校生态学院 (美国), 联合培养 (博士)
工作经历 2018.01–2022.12:中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院, 沙漠与沙漠化研究室,助理研究员 2023.01–至 今:中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院, 沙漠与沙漠化研究室,副研究员
(1)Zhao, Y., Miao, Y., Li, Y., Fang, Y., Zhao, J., Wang, X., An, C., 2022. Non-linear response of mid-latitude Asian dryland vegetation to Holocene climate fluctuations. CATENA 213, 106212.
(2)Zhao, Y., Miao, Y., Huang, X., Chen, C., Zhao, J., Li, Y., Fang, Y., Wang, X., An, C., 2022. Holocene hydroclimate changes revealed by multiple proxies from an alpine lake in the central Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 111004. (3)Zhao, Y., Miao, Y., Fang, Y., Li, Y., Lei, Y., Chen, X., Dong, W., An, C., 2021. Investigation of factors affecting surface pollen assemblages in the Balikun Basin, central Asia: Implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Ecological Indicators 123, 107332. (4)Zhao, Y., An, C., Zhou, A., Zhang, X., Zhao, J., Dong, W., Miao, Y., 2021. Late Pleistocene hydroclimatic variabilities in arid north-west China: geochemical evidence from Balikun Lake, eastern Tienshan, China. Journal of Quaternary Science. 36(3), 415-425. (5)Zhao, Y., Miao, Y., Lei, Y., Cao, X., Xiang, M., 2021. Progress, problems and prospects of palynology in reconstructing environmental change in inland arid areas of Asia. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 13, 271-291. (6)Zhao, Y., Nelson, D.M., Clegg, B.F., An, C.B., Hu, F.S., 2017. Isotopic analysis on nanogram quantities of carbon from dissolved insect cuticle: a method for paleoenvironmental inferences. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 31, 1825-1834. (7)Zhao, Y., An, C., Duan, F., Zhao, J., Mao, L., Zhou, A., Cao, Z., Chen, F., 2017. Consistent vegetation and climate deterioration from early to late MIS3 revealed by multi-proxies (mainly pollen data) in north-west China. Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology 244, 43-53. (8)Zhao, Y., An, C., Mao, L., Zhao, J., Tang, L., Zhou, A., Li, H., Dong, W., Duan, F., Chen, F., 2015. Vegetation and climate history in arid western China during MIS2: New insights from pollen and grain-size data of the Balikun Lake, eastern Tien Shan. Quaternary Science Reviews 126, 112-125. (9)赵永涛, 安成邦, 赵家驹, 李渊, 段阜涛, 苗运法, 2019. 亚洲内陆干旱区巴里坤湖记录的 H1 突变事件. 第四纪研究 39, 916-926. (10)赵永涛, 安成邦, 陈玉凤, 赵家驹, 周爱锋, 施超, 2014. 晚冰期以来乌伦古湖沉积物多指标高分辨率的古环境演化. 干旱区地理 37, 222-229.